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3 reasons that materials and methods needs a blog

Welcome to the new materials and methods blog!

We are so excited for this. And a bit nervous to be honest.

Why does a fashion accessory company need a blog?

Well, here are three good reasons:

Because we want to show you the behind-the-scenes at materials and methods

Do you want to see behind the scenes?  We are going to have fun, showing you the behind the scenes stories at materials and methods – it’s a way for us to share with you what we’re up to. We will talk about the materials that we use and how we use them.  We will talk about the methods – both in the design process and in the making.  We want you to know exactly what goes into a materials and methods bag, and why they’re one of a kind. A blog is also a great way for us to be able to introduce new products in an in depth way.

Because we want to start important discussions about sustainability and equity

We’re going to tackle hard topics like the sustainability and social impacts of fashion.  It’s a complex topic, but in our next post, we’ll outline some parameters of sustainability and how they relate to the fashion industry.  I’m a former Professional Environmental Engineer, so when I talk about sustainability, it’s through that lens.   We’ll cover the issues of sustainability in our industry - from materials and leather sourcing to shipping our final product, and eventually we’ll expand that analysis to the larger fashion industry.  We’ll talk about the inherent sustainability of small business, and ways that we can all lift each other up.

Because it’s one more way to communicate and share

Yes, you heard that right. ANOTHER WAY to communicate.  I mean, Instagram is fantastic, but the short form isn’t always the right way to tell a story.  The longer format of blogging (don’t worry.  It will never be THAT long.) gives us a chance to really share.  It feels more personal too, which is something that I’m jazzed about.

You should expect some short and sweet blog posts  - like the introduction of a new product, and some longer posts when we’re diving deeper into process, or our values. I’m hoping for one post a month on average.

There will be fun in all of it, because I love to make people laugh.

A little bit about me

This blog is about materials and methods, which means that it’s ultimately about me, because materials and methods is a one woman show…for now. But, the vision of this company extends far beyond me. 

Find out a little more about "us" here.

So there will be stories – about my former careers, about what it took to get me here, maybe an occasional anecdote about my life outside of business. It’s not going to be the easiest thing for me to open up and share in this public way. I mean, one-on-one? I’ll tell you my life story in great detail!

But here’s the thing.

I ALWAYS want to get to know the entrepreneurs behind the small businesses that I support, so I know how important it is for me to do this!  So to start, here’s a one sentence basic bio – I’m a Toronto born and raised former Professional Environmental Engineer, with an MBA and Master's Degree in Architecture, who loves designing and making, and who lives with her husband and kid and dog in the east end of the City. (See Anne? It's not so hard!)

Who is this blog for?

If you are here, this blog is for you! I'm going to work hard to make it engaging and entertaining and I hope you come along for the ride!

What do you think? What do you want me to talk about here? Give us a comment or send us an email!


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