I’ve had a bit of a revelation.
I’m gonna share it with you because I’m thinking it’s a movement, and not just me—
Over the last 22 months, I’ve learned that I WANT TO BE COMFORTABLE.
- Comfortable in what I wear.
- Comfortable in what I stand for.
- Comfortable in what my clothes stand for.
I know that I’m not alone in this, because I’ve had a lot of time lately to observe and listen.
Let’s dig a little deeper on each of these.
I’ve always had a passionate love of being comfortable at home. I used to walk in the door from work, and immediately change into my “home uni”. But in the last 22 months, the home uniform has officially become a way of life for most of us.
And it’s awesome.
Are you with me?
I think you are.
Whether your home uniform is - sweats, & a hoodie, or your coziest jim-jams[i]—the feeling of comfort and safety is undeniable. Like a security blanket. For me, it’s sweats, my Dad’s threadbare hoodie and my trusty toque.
It’s not about “giving up”. We know what we want, and it’s NOT going back to wearing uncomfortable clothes just to impress.
And there is so much power in that.
I used to put a lot of time and energy into worrying what people would think about my outward appearance, but now
I don’t give a damn.
(Most of the time. It’s not automatic but, on balance, I’m starting to care more about how I FEEL instead of how I might be seen by others. I am also gentler on myself now. More comfortable in my own skin.)
I have a feeling it’s all related. Now I’m not saying that my sweats are responsible for my transformation…but I AM pretty sure that actively letting go of the need to impress people with how I look is helping me really see who I am inside, and I bet it’s having the same effect on you.
What I have realized is that
If we’re not trying to be something for somebody else, who can we be? If we break free from expectations to look a certain way or buy the next best thing, what can we achieve?
What can we change if we do this TOGETHER?
All these months that we have spent in our bubbles has given us the chance to really hone in on what’s important. We have been focused on protecting our loved ones and keeping them safe and close, but instead of making us insulated and shifting our values inward (as in, looking out for “number one”) I think this time has reinforced our values as a community.
It has made us more determined than ever to turn outward and make a difference.
To be comfortable in our values.
And to show them to the world.
So here is what I value—
Justice. Full stop.
To me, this means so many things. Righting wrongs. Standing up for those who are vulnerable. It means taking care of others and our planet.
These are all great things to believe in, but when I say COMFORT in what we stand for, I also mean having the confidence to take action and be vocal.
and I commit here and now to be more vocal.
You with me?
Let’s get LOUD.
So, if we’re determined to be comfortable in what we wear, and comfortable in what we stand for, by the transitive properties of comfort…
We hit the sweet spot where we can really TAKE ON fast fashion.
We’ve talked about fast fashion before. and how we—you and me—can make a difference.
And we’re gonna talk about it more. A lot more. I’m fed up with being quiet.
This is a movement.
One that can impact the fashion industry with the right momentum.
I call it Ethicomfort.
The state of being comfortable in your clothes, and comfortable in the values that you—and your style—stand for.

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[i] I love this way to say PJs. Heard it once in an Irish detective show and have NEVER LOOKED BACK.
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